Property specific profiling fields
PropertyEngine is designed from the ground up for the property industry and specifically for the management of leads in the new development and estate space.
Keep track of which developments, plans and even units a lead is interested from the very start of their enquiry.
Dedicated Smart Forms to let the leads profile themselves
PropertyEngines Smart Forms allow the lead to provide the agent required profiling information (e.g price range, number of bedrooms, etc) through a set of dedicated forms.
This gets recorded directly against the lead without the agent having to capture it themselves which means it actually happens.

Smart Mails to save you time
If you are tired of typing the same thing over and over again then Smart Mail functionality is for you and your agents. Configure templates ahead of time and let your team communicate with a consistent brand. Attachments that you send are live updated when you need to so your leads always have the latest information
Send Email Marketing campaigns like a professional
PropertyEngine offers deep integration with industry leaders in email marketing insuring that what you send arrives in the leads inbox.
The shotgun approach of mailing to everyone doesn't work anymore. Use custom segments and lists to make sure you only mail those that really want to hear from you.

Walk your lead through your custom Pipeline Journey
PropertyEngines Pipeline keeps track of where your lead is in the journey to a sale. Customisable to the needs of your sales team this functionality allows your agents to let you know exactly where the leads are at any given time.
Advanced filtering and searching
Looking for a specific set of leads which match a particular criteria? PropertyEngines advanced filtering will allow you to filter by a large set of property specific fields giving you a way of finding that specific niche of data you need.

Next : Report & Analyse
Work out what your best bang for buck is when it comes to finding leads, find out who your ace sales people are.